‘’He who wants to, can make it, achieve it, follow through and obtain it.’’
This is what got me hooked, although a little later than the rest, onto the dream of Más Por Ellos. I am Carlota Carbó, I’m 23 years old and I’ve graduated from the university of ICADE with a degree in Law and International Relations. At the moment I am working in Seeliger and Conde, a headhunting company.
During my years at university, I did a lot of volunteering but never managed to quench my thirst of doing more. Last winter I organized a food collect for the Madrid Food Bank (Banco de Alimentos de Madrid) via facebook. It was a huge success. In less than two months I collected 11,500kg of non-perishable food from all over Madrid. I imagine it was because of this that Nacho decided to call me and tell me about the project, thinking that I could surely have some ideas for Más Por Ellos. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I felt passionate about the project and couldn’t stop thinking of what would be the best way to help them, so I met up with Alvaro and offered my help.
Since then, not a lot of time has passed, but we have advanced greatly. Without almost realizing it, Alvaro is in Kenya looking for a plot of land to start building our orphanage and our school.
I’m sure we would all like to go to Kenya and help him, but we’re aware that Más Por Ellos needs help in both countries. In Kenya you can see more clearly what can be done to help, you’re in the battle field and living everything first hand. Those of us who stay in Madrid, have to manage everything that’s necessary so that the work done in Kenya has a long-lasting effect, so that the effort put into the work in Kenya doesn’t just disappear into thin air. One could say we are Alvaro’s support in Madrid. From here, we are taking care of building the key tool of Más Por Ellos - our internet platform- and our corporative web page. Both play a very important role in this project.
We are also making ourselves known through social networks. We try to keep our blog updated with quality content at the same time as we are present daily in other more direct social networks like; Facebook (Más Por Ellos), Twitter (@masporellos) and Instagram (@masporellos). I encourage you to follow us so that you don’t miss a single detail. Our architectural project is starting, planning and budgeting the construction of the school and orphanage.
I think we are a very complete team, as each of us has studied something different and can therefore contribute different things to Más Por Ellos. We work well as a team and know how to organize and share the tasks, so that nothing is left undone and everything is done as soon as possible. Perhaps our young age and our short professional experience can be disadvantageous for us, but knowing this, we can make this weakness our strong point, taking advantage of our energy and the eagerness we have to make this dream come true.
If anyone asked my why I’m part of Más Por Ellos, I would say that most of what I have in my life, I didn’t work for. I was lucky enough to have been born in a family that was able to give me all the opportunities in the world. After taking these opportunities, I feel obliged to create these opoortunities for those people that were not born with my luck.
This is where I put my theory into action;
He who wants to, can make it, achieve it, follow through and obtain it.
I want to, with this team I can, and I’m sure we will achieve it, follow through and obtain it, always with your help.
Thank you very much,
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