More For Them is a literal translation of the blog Más Por Ellos; a non-lucrative association created by a group of young Spaniards with the aim of promoting social enterprises and a sustainable development in Kibera (Kenya). The goal is to cover the basic necessities through an interconnecting platform between sponsors and those who are sponsored and to promote development as a result of the creation of social enterprises. A social enterprise is defined by having a high social impact.

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013


For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Nacho Sáenz. I graduated from my degree in bilingual business from CUNEF, last September. As almost every freshly graduated student, due to the current situation in Spain, I found it difficult to find a job. I was lucky enough to start working in Excom, a company that takes internet to rural areas. Meanwhile, the curiosity to undertake something of my own overcame me, and together with three friends, started up a business called SAGA CAZA.  The idea of this initiative is to promote and reduce prices of hunting in order to approach a younger public and that way, make ourselves a small place in this difficult market. A few days ago I started working in Salesforce, an American company that sells software to other companies.

It all started some months ago when Alvaro called me to ask my opinion on some internet doubts he had, and before I had hung up I was already 100% given into the project. I loved the idea from the beginning. We have worked hard, but it has been easy thanks to our growing expectations and hope as we see that what was once an idea in our heads, is beginning to take form faster than we expected. All the changes that I’ve lived throughout these months have made the project grow, and with it, all of us who are involved, grow too.

This project is addictive, and every day it is more real and more present. Soon we will have news and improvements: Part of the team will go to Kenya at the end of this month and we have another team working on the development of our internet platform. It’s a pleasure to work with both Alvaros, Pedro, Elena and an honour to be able to have in our team, our Trust Comitee, sponsors and partners. But it is even more satisfying to see that there are people that come to us every day eager to help us and offering us their time or even their paintings. This is helping us and pushing us, because at the end of the day, you are the ones who will finish making this project real.

For professional reasons, I will not be able to see our school, our orphanage or our clinic…but I will be here in Madrid, to help and assist in the development of our internet platform. From Madrid, I will be one of the people that will be in charge of using and handling the strong force of the web so that this project is well known and continues to grow.

Mas Por Ellos is my way of giving back what I’ve been given throughout my 23 years, trying to give to those who are not destined to have the same opportunities I had, much more than they could ever dream of. To conclude, a video which was recorded last week when we went to the radio. On the way out they interviewed us answering to the question; what is happiness in the work? Here is my answer…


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